March Council Meeting Summary and Notes

The PSMC Governing Council met on Thursday, March 13th, 2014- the meeting notes, where you can find more details about what was discussed at our meeting, are accessible here: Council Agenda and Meeting Notes- Council Meeting March 13th, 2014

Here is a short summary of the meeting:Ati

-The Council heard and discussed a proposal by a community member, Brian Landever, to initiate a “Timebanking” program in our community. Timebanking is way of logging and encouraging community service and community building. Participants can either offer services or request services, and for each hour of services offered they receive one credit, which they can then pass along when they request the services of another member. Brian wrote an article for the Shambhala Times on this subject, which you can read here.

-The Council had a short discussion on Unified Giving, which is a new model and view for our organization, one that see ourselves as part of a global mandala. This rollout has been initiated by both Shambhala International and the Sakyong. The council just completed an online meeting with Anna Weinstein, director of the Office of Center and Group Support, on how Unified Giving will touch us as the Portland Shambhala Center. More information on Unified Giving can be found here.

-We also discussed a request from a member the Eugene Shambhala Group, which is currently searching for a new space, to help support the group and help them cover some of their increased costs while they grow into their new space.

If you have any questions about the meeting notes, or have something that you would like to present to our Governing Council, please contact me at [email protected]

Yours in enlightened society,

Corey Adkins,

Council Secretary

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