August Council Meeting Summary and Meeting Notes

The PSMC Governing Council met on Thursday, August 14th, 2014- the meeting notes, where you can find more details about what was discussed at our meeting, are accessible here: pinPublic Agenda and Meeting Notes- Council Meeting 8_14_14 

Here is a short summary of the meeting:

  • Our semi-retired Finance Director, Alice Price, who is continuing to hold some aspects of the post for us as we search for a new person, talked over a mid-year finance report on the financial state of the center. The summer is a time where the center typically loses money because we cannot offer as many programs, but things appear to still be in good shape.
  • The Council ironed out preparations for our August 17th Retreat, where we engaged in some discussion of strategic planning and goals for the center (another post coming soon..)
  • The Council worked on preparing for some of the upcoming events for our center, including last Friday’s Member’s Appreciation party, and the upcoming Harvest of Peace celebration.

If you have any questions about the meeting notes, or have something that you would like to present to our Governing Council, please contact me at [email protected]

Yours in enlightened society,

Corey Adkins,

Council Secretary

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