Get in Touch with the Portland Shambhala Center
Contact Us
Don’t Hesitate to Connect with Us
Many Ways to Connect
You can drop in to an online or in-person meditation session. Refresh your practice or get first-time instruction at a “Learn Basic Meditation Technique” class and get all your questions answered by a seasoned instructor.
You can meet the larger community at Nyida Day celebrations of the equinoxes and solstices. When the weather is nice, join a contemplative Drala Hike. Stay tuned for pop-up, in-person meetups.
The best way to stay in the loop is to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, which also gets you occasional highlight messages. To easily check what’s coming up, you can bookmark our calendar.
Stay in the Loop
Reach Out
(503) 862-6501
[email protected]
Send Mail to us
3439 SE Hawthorne #409,
Portland, Oregon,
Inquiries and Feedback
Use the drop-down menu to contact key members of our volunteer-powered organization. We’ll be glad to hear from you! If you’re not sure who to contact, feel free to message our main switchboard at [email protected] to get help connecting to the right person.
Visitor Information
Plan Your Visit
At this time, all of our events are online unless otherwise indicated on our calendar. There is a consistent Zoom link for our regularly scheduled practice offerings (check the calendar for that link and for variations in our schedule).
Some of our events require registration on the event program page linked from the calendar. In those cases, you will receive a zoom link or other details as soon as you register.