Inspiration From our Members

These popular special events were created purely through member inspiration. Do you have an event you’d like to create at Portland Shambhala? Contact our Volunteering coordinator with your ideas.

Quiet your mind and open yourself to the wisdom of nature and the drala energies of the majestic Pacific Northwest. We hike together in noble silence while contemplatively attuning and engaging the senses in the phenomenal world around us. Our schedule includes hikes of all levels and family-friendly events.

Drala hikes are open to everyone, but no dogs please. For questions about this or other things, please contact Liz Howell, Drala Hike Coordinator. See the upcoming schedule in our Events listing.

path through an oregon forrest

Take a break from your troubles and soothe anxiety and fear with the healing practice of White Tara. Every Thursday morning, 10:00 – 10:45 AM, for the healing, soothing practice of White Tara, led by senior teacher Rayna Jacobson. See our Events listing for details.

Emanated from the tears of the compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, peaceful White Tara is said to witness the suffering of beings through her seven eyes. She soothes fear, calms anguish, heals suffering, restores individual and communal health, and extends lives. This traditional practice is potent for times of domestic and community turmoil and disharmony, and for those suffering challenges to their health and longevity.

This group practice is open to all, and instruction will be given during the session. Please know that this is a somewhat advanced Buddhist practice, involving visualization and mantra recitation, so some experience with meditation is recommended. For any questions about this practice, please contact Rayna Jacobson, [email protected].

White Tara tankha

We are all growing older every day. The Portland Aging Group, Aging in Enlightened Society, is a social group for those experiencing aging – whether it be turning 40 or 70.This group meets twice a month on 1st & 3rd Mondays, from 3 – 4:30 PM. See our Events listing for details.

The term ‘aging’ implies elders, and while that age group is certainly part of our focus, growing older is happening to each of us. Our purpose is to promote community, connection, and inspiration among people wanting to bring their life experiences onto the path of meditation and mindfulness.

Please contact us for more information or to be added to the Aging Group email list for announcements of time and place for our meetings and other occasional announcements.

Poetry and meditation are kindred ventures. Both bring us closer to the present moment. Both freshen our outlook and, perhaps, our lives. Every 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 – 8:15 PM, Portland Shambhala hosts a “Poetry Pocket” evening. We start with a half-hour of silent meditation and then share poems revolving around different topics.

Our full year’s schedule of themes is on our Blog.

If so moved, bring a poem of your own or one that speaks to you. We will read a few aloud and then have a brief discussion. If you have a poem in mind in advance, you may also send it along to Robert Lovitt and he will try to display it on our screens as it is being read aloud. We look forward to having you join in!

No cost, no pressure, optional berets and bongos!

A poet wearing a beanie, holding a beet in his right hand, with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Shambhala is a big tent where practitioners from all lineages are welcome members of our sangha. We proudly continue the spirit of the Rimé nonsectarian movement, founded by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgon Kongtrul in the 1800s. This movement recognizes and respects all lineages. Not only does this ensure that our precious dharma teachings will be preserved for future generations, it also provides a solid basis for creating inclusive society.

Here are some of the organizations that members of our community study with:

The Buddha's footsteps